Unit B204, Sandown Square Business Park, Cape Town


Implementing technology in education can be intimidating, especially when it is coupled with a lack of support and training. Under these circumstances, rather than enhancing the teaching experience with technology, there is the temptation to maintain confidence and control in the classroom by sticking to more traditional methods. To fully take advantage of the capabilities of software and tools available, the right training is essential. With only 5% if teachers globally feeling supported in the training received on technologies, there is a clear need to implement structures to enable and empower educators to tap into the benefits of educational technology. The lack of support impacts technology adoption in education.
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard

Services to schools and communities:

Structured training on education technologies
Classroom integration methods
Daily technical support for the classroom
Digital content scheduling within the timetable
Safe online learning environments for learners
Educator communities of practice focused on technologies for the classroom
School governing body (SGB), parent and guardian workshops on Edtech application in learning
Providing curriculum aligned digital content for Primary School classrooms
In partnership with sponsors, sourcing teacher and learner hardware to support lesson implementation

Services to Edtech content generators, for service providers that create tech and content that enables education Digital Springboard assists with

Community entry and engagement
Stakeholder engagement
School activation
Monitoring and evaluation for impact
Sustainable models for scale

Digital Springboard

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)
Qualtity Education
Reduced Inequalities
Gender Equality
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard
Digital Springboard

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