Unit B204, Sandown Square Business Park, Cape Town

The effective use of technology

The effective use of technology in the curriculum should be not viewed as an add-on or something that is taught in isolation; rather, it needs to be effectively integrated across all key learning areas.
April 18, 2022

The effective use of technology in the curriculum should be not viewed as an add-on or something that is taught in isolation; rather, it needs to be effectively integrated across all key learning areas.

“Pedagogy is the driver, technology is the accelerator”

It can be challenging to keep up with the pace of technological advancements and decide on how to best use these tools to transform learning in a classroom. Effective learning in any environment requires good design, management and pedagogy.

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The reality is that a boring, low-order thinking task on paper will remain the same when substituted for an iPad or cell phone unless the iPad allows opportunities to redefine and transform that learning opportunity, ideally improving the learning outcome.

Perhaps the best kept secret of research on Ed tech is the fact that teachers and teaching remain the most important influences on learning. When Ed tech is used in ways that support good teaching practices, both in digital and face-to-face environments, effective learning happens. When Ed tech is used in ways that propagate ineffective instructional strategies, learning is hindered.

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